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Refugee status for those who are already in Canada


Full Member
Jan 13, 2015
Hi Guys,

I'm planning to apply for a refugee status in Canada. I arrived here in December 2018 as a Student from Brazil. I got a english course for 6 months and 1 year of french in Montreal.

I'm saving some money to get a lawyer in Toronto so he/she can help me with the whole process, but my question is: Should I wait until I complete my studies or I need to prepare everything like now?

I work remotely for a company in the US for 3 years, so I'm saving my cash to get prepared.

I'm 31 years old, from Brazil and I'm claiming refugee as a gay person.

Please someone guide me :)


Star Member
Mar 27, 2018
Visa Office......
Mississauga - Inland
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Brazil recognizes same sex marriages and is in the process of implementing laws to prevent discrimination. Relocating to a safer City in Brazil has been argued in the past for people with failed refugee claims (Google search)
You will have to present a very strong case with extensive evidence that you are at threat before you will be accepted.
Good luck!
I agree.

I’m no expert on refugee claims but I am very active in various lgbt charities that do great work all over the world and while the situation in Brazil is somewhat precarious for lgbt folks with the new president, I have seen no evidence that it rises to the specific personal persecution that is inescapable by moving etc it requires to gain refugee status. Not in the same way we’re seeing in some parts of Africa and Eastern Europe.

Good luck, but I think if your only evidence is being gay then it very unlikely to go anywhere.


Champion Member
Oct 1, 2017
Looking through OP’s previous posts, he or she has a wife.

OP previously asked about EE and PNP and my assumption is that those failed so will be using asylum as a last recourse.

To OP, all your failed applications will be visible to IRCC and in my opinion will work against you in a big way. Also agree that Brazil allows same sex marriages so claiming asylum saying you are gay will, again in my opinion, fail. You’ll be wasting a lot of money on appeals.

My suggestion is to strengthen your EE or PNP profile instead.


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Agree with all previous comments about how har it will likely be to get asylum. Other issue is you working remotely for a company in the US. Does the company have any clients of offices in Canada?