Hey I’m a refugee claimant I applied on Feb 20th and I have a question about my refugee claim whither I need to move it or not and is this will slow the process or it will be the same ?
I think you do not need to transfer your file. Just inform the IRB about your new address and they will arrange for the hearing in your new location even if it is done through videoconference. This is what I was told by my lawyer when I asked about moving provinces. But you need to double check.
You will need to switch lawyers if you are receiving legal aid. Immigration is federal so there is no point in moving if you are just trying to get a hearing faster.
I want to know weather I can travel from ontario to edmonton after applying for refugee protection claimant. I am eligible to apply. My visa expired. Can I travel within canada with that document?
I want to know weather I can travel from ontario to edmonton after applying for refugee protection claimant. I am eligible to apply. My visa expired. Can I travel within canada with that document?
Yes you can fly. Assume you also will have your paperwork that you have filed for asylum if ever you are question etc about your lack of status in Canada.
You can move elsewhere in Canada if you are a refugee claimant. If your claim has been referred to the RPD, make sure you tell the IRB of your new address and update IRCC or CBSA (whichever agency completed your intake)