My friend worked have experience in Russia for year, but their company only provide reference letter in russian. Is it okay if he gets the letter then translate it to english with official translator?
My friend worked have experience in Russia for year, but their company only provide reference letter in russian. Is it okay if he gets the letter then translate it to english with official translator?
Thanks. I will let you know. Also, does refererence letter is enough or he also need to submit other documents? my friend said he dont have any other proof except work passport that mention all his work history.
Thanks. I will let you know. Also, does refererence letter is enough or he also need to submit other documents? my friend said he dont have any other proof except work passport that mention all his work history.
If the reference letter is in the format as mentioned here you are good with just the reference letter.
If the reference letter is in the format as mentioned here you are good with just the reference letter.
My friend worked have experience in Russia for year, but their company only provide reference letter in russian. Is it okay if he gets the letter then translate it to english with official translator?
or you can have it in bilingual. In case of Russian's you have it translated in English, certified by pro translator. and remember to submit it along the letter.