Hello Sparky_Dave/Harry22
It's good to know you are already at RRC. I am also going for PG International Business in January 2015 will be applying for Visa this week. Please kindly help with the following clarity:
1. How is easy is it to get off campus jobs in the finance field?
2. Can my wife and my 2 children come to visit in April next year, and what visa chances do they stand.
3. Kindly advise me on my chances of visa since I have not paid any part of the school fees (apart from the $300), my consultant said i shouldn't since it wasn't clearly stated on my admission letter, although i have enough proof of funds I have about $22,000 in my fixed deposit, my dad who is also a sponsor has about $25,000 in bank statement, $55,000 in treasury bills, $10,000 is stocks.
4. How easy is it to get a cheap accomodation of not more than $400/month around ROBIN CENTER, because that is my campus.
5. I am an African from Nigeria, will like to find out if there are good number of Africans in the school too.
Thanks as I expect your feed back soon