Hey thanks for sharing. It appears that outland and inland fsw applocantw have a completely different mechanism by which their applications get processed. For us outlanders our review of eligibility goes into progress a few days after we submit. We pass medical about 3-15 days after AOR and it appears that background check is that last step. I personally think that for outlanders, once our eligibility test is passed (3-4 months after AOR), background check starts and takes 2-4 weeks.
Did they rank or did you rank the assessments? (1. Eligibility, 2. Criminality 3. Medical) is it based on dates completed or their page arrangement in the gcms notes?
Did they rank or did you rank the assessments? (1. Eligibility, 2. Criminality 3. Medical) is it based on dates completed or their page arrangement in the gcms notes?