Satyas991 said:
My case is also similar. We are expecting a child and the delivery is due Mid of December 2018. We had applied under OINP and after being nominated in July 2018 and received ITA on August 2018. we will submit application except for my wife's X-ray by end of August 2018 for which I think we may get an e-medical deferral letter from the physician and the same will be submitted along with the application.
Now, can anyone please share their experience on :
1. How the case will proceed and is there any need to inform OINP about the medical being deferred or after OINP nomination all the correspondence is done with IRCC only?
--> I'm not familiar with ONIP requirements as I directly went for Express Entry route without the PNP Nomination. I would advise you to seek opinion from other forum members or check with ONIP on their requirements about change in family composition.
2. Our due date of delivery is 15-20th of December 2018 and OINP nomination will expire on 25th December 2018.
Assume we submit all other details by end of Aug-2018 except x-ray and after delivery by the time we submit wife's x-ray along with baby's details (BC,passport,medical for baby) nomination will expire then our CRS comes down as the nomination isn't valid anymore. So, should we inform OINP and get the nomination extended so the CRS is still valid when we submit wife's x-ray and baby's documents instead of waiting for IRCC to return the application and then reapply. Or does the IRCC takes care of extending the nomination from OINP directly ? Please help .
--> My guess is, once you receive the ITA and submit e-APR with IRCC, I dont think your CRS will change. They typically freeze the applicant CRS for changes/expiration in age, IELTS and ECAs so you might be ok. As I don't have any first hand knowledge about ONIP and their requirements, I would advise you to seek 2nd opinion just to be on a safer side.
-> In the OINP application guidelines, there is a provision for seeking an extension of nomination, provided the issue is genuine . This is what it states.
6.1 Extension of Nomination Certificate
Your Confirmation of Nomination document (i.e. Nomination Certificate) is valid for
six (6) months.
You may submit a request for an extension of your Nomination Certificate if it is no
longer valid and:
a) IRCC returns your permanent residence application due to incompleteness,
requiring the submission of a new application, or
you are experiencing delays in securing supporting documents for your
b) permanent residence application (i.e. a police criminal record check) and you
have not yet applied to IRCC.
To request an extension, please email the OINP at and
provide the following information:
1. A letter of explanation describing the reason to extend your Nomination
Certificate; and
2. A copy of the incompleteness letter from IRCC (if applicable).
You must also return by mail the original Nomination Certificate issued by the OINP
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
400 University Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
I understood once we submit e-APR, CRS score will be frozen. However, as i mentioned, "Our due date of delivery is 15-20th of December 2018 and OINP nomination will expire on 25th December 2018" , so by the time we submit wife's x-ray and baby's documents it will be 1st or 2nd week of January 2019 worst case and hence we will pass 25th December 2018( which is time till then OINP nomination is valid). So, CRS scores that is locked is still vaild or IRCC may seek an extension due to nomination getting expired post 25th December?This is bit confusing and unclear. I hope after we submit e-APR , everything will remain intact and expiring of nomination should not matter.
Anyway I am going to inform OINP and likely nomination may be get extended or wish to hear hear from OINP no extension is required as e-APR will be submitted . But any answer on this regard would help a lot.
3. Wife X-ray needs to be done immediately after delivery or have to submit with the childs medical?
--> In our case, IRCC issued ADR request for my wife's medical which we replied to as deferred due to pregnancy. Our physician provided the letter which we uploaded in lieu of the medical. Then when my wife was able to, we completed the medical ASAP (about 8 days after delivery) and IRCC approved medical on our file. Our daughter's medical was done approximately 3 weeks after she was born since we were still collecting her BC, Passports etc. which is required for medical.
4. Will i receive any email from IRCC for additional documents for the baby ?
--> Yes, IRCC will issue ADR request around your child's expected due date and give you 30 days to comply. They will ask you to submit change in family composition form, proof of payment for additional dependent application fees, BC & Passport.
5. This is related to the reference letter of my wife who is a primary applicant.
My question -> When we submitted application for OINP in April 2018, my wife and I submitted reference letters(both from our current employers). So, now it is August 2018 and therefore should my wife(who is a primary applicant)need to submit one more reference letter for the duration april-august 2018 along with the earlier reference letter submitted at the time of OINP application or would the earlier reference letter submitted at the
at the time of OINP application is only enough?
--> My guess is if you have already received the nomination and you get an ITA based on it, I don't think you will need to do anything with ONIP. At least to me, it doesnt make any sense since your application with ONIP will already be completed by the time you get ITA from IRCC.
->The reference letters that I am talking about is to share with IRCC not with OINP. OINP also asked for reference letters which we submitted in April 2018 , so question is - can we submit the same reference letter that we shared with OINP to IRCC ? or since it's August 2018 now and 4 months have elapsed, should we get a new reference letters dated August 2018 while submitting e-APR?
Basically I would like to know validity of reference letter obtained in April 2018. As, in IT, projects and manager keeps changing, should we get new reference letter covering April 2018 -Aug 2018 and submit along with April 2018 to IRCC (2 reference letters in this scenario ) or submit the earlier(1 reference letters in this scenario ) that we got in April 2018 to IRCC.
--> I'm not sure if new reference letters are necessary in this case since you would have received nomination by the time you receive ITA. You will also submit e-APR and receive an AOR thus locking your CRS Scores awaiting birth of your child. Original experience letters should be sufficient as those should be current as of you submitting e-APR and receiving AOR. If IRCC needs updated experience letter, they may issue a new ADR request as they go along processing your application.
Disclaimer - I'm not a lawyer so this is strictly my personal opinion. Do not count on it to make important decision about your life
. Seek second opinion if you feel uncomfortable.
Highly appreciate any one could shed some on these queries.
See above in RED.
@langoorbandar , thanks for the swift reply, appreciate it ! Got some insight from you reply. I am not sure whether I framed 2 and 5 rightly or not, but let me be more precise. See in
blue above. Thanks!