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Re:Re: Do not come to Canada


Full Member
Jan 15, 2010
I recently received my Canadian perm through skilled labor category and I agree with your point of view. Outside of the big banks or oil companies, most of the jobs in Canada are part time or contract basis with none or minimal benefits.
Rents are absurdly high and housing prices make no economic sense. Given the level of per capita productivity and income coupled with high cost of living, having some basic standard of life is not viable in Canada.

marcus66502 said:
I'm not gonna re-post my entire first post in here but I am gonna say that most of it was actually facts and figures. It is a fact that gasoline will cost you 35% more in Canada than in the US. It is a fact that full-time jobs are extremely rare and most you'll find is part-time, or temporary employment that only pays for "pocket cash". You can't pay rent with that. Speaking of rent, it's so high in Canada, that you can forget about saving for a downpayment on a house. So what we're talking about is a lifetime of minimum wage survival jobs, with no possibility of ever owning your own house. In the 19th century they had a word for this situation: slavery. So when you say I sounded pessimistic, I'd say pessimism is the order of the day.

I AM ignoring critics. It's hard not to. They're not really critics when you get down to it. They haven't really offered any criticism, which normally consists of presenting other facts and data that counters the data I've offered. It's always the same broken record soundbyte from these "critics": no-one said it was gonna be easy, you've got to take initiative blah blah blah (never mind that I bust my ass applying for three hundred jobs a day when I get off work), and that if you don't like it you can leave. Truth be told, these critics have no clue what life really takes in Canada, and hence they have to do the only thing left in the bag: repeat soundbytes and attack my character.

I DID say what I wanted to say, not that I LIKED saying it. But it IS my experience and, however unpleasant, it's important that people know the facts they're gonna face here about the true cost of living and the non-existent job market.

"Third and last", these are my experiences yes, and if surveys are any indication these negative experiences are common to most recent immigrants. In reality, for every critic of my post in here, I've had two or three supporters who have messaged me by e-mail to tell me that I was right. That every negative fact I mentioned about Canadian life is true, and that they don't want to say this in the open forum here because they don't want to engage in arguments with these "critics".

Most of these critics suggest "leave if you don't like it" because it's much easier to say that than to take the facts I've stated and prove them untrue. But speaking of leaving, many immigrants do leave. I suspect quite a high percentage leave every year, from what I've read. Does the Government of Canada collect data on THAT? No, of course not. They only post how many immigrants are ADMITTED each year because that's what props up Canada's false image. Publicizing something like "40% of immigrants eventually leave" would bring canada's reputation down in the toilet.


Champion Member
Jun 22, 2012
MousChelsea said:
Well said man , 100% true but allow me to add something about the general topic raised by marcus66502 and his experiences which are totally understandable : the thing is we have to try and make things better and i totally see where marcus66502 is coming from , but also we have to keep our confidence high , we shouldn't give up and keep our faith .
very true, lets hope things work out for all of us! ;)


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Wow - what a statement you both made here!

marcus66502 is talking bad about Canada & its economy thru his experiences. Whereas you two in one breath say that he is 100% true and in other breath you say that keep faith and don't give up! What you don't want to give up? Your hope that you will have good future in finding better job!

Alas, that's an understanding issue. Canada is like that since ages but immigrants (esp educated) come here with high hopes (words like don't give up, have faith etc.) which mostly wouldn't come true. So they end up driving taxi or cleaning Tim Horton shops!

There are no significant activities to change Canadian employers mindset about new immigrants. As long as there is no mass movement to change society new immigrants would continue to be minced like that or after 3 years (with Canadian passport) they return back to Middle East or their home town to make good fortune! So conclusion is that no faith would work nor any hope!

emamabd said:
very true, lets hope things work out for all of us! ;)
MousChelsea said:
Well said man , 100% true but allow me to add something about the general topic raised by marcus66502 and his experiences which are totally understandable : the thing is we have to try and make things better and i totally see where marcus66502 is coming from , but also we have to keep our confidence high , we shouldn't give up and keep our faith .


Hero Member
Apr 12, 2013
Job Offer........
30 Apr 2014...
marcus66502 said:
Yes, and rent in North Korea is lower than in Canada. That doesn't make anybody want to move to North Korea. What exactly is your point??
Dear Marcus66502,

What the post title you are keeping in this forum, has definitely hurt all the forum members, who already have invested their time, labour and money for immigration. And I am not the exception. Instead of keeping the topic like this you could keep some local scenario. The world is not as perfect as you think and desire.Your perfection only can be seen in Utopian society. It is up to you to make it beautiful and cherished. And you should not eye with the lens of your own glass, but from others too. I already have mentioned that, a place is suitable for some one , may not be suitable for others, this is based on personal perception. Do not evaluate and analyze anything with sallow experience and perception,rather do with some wide parameters. So to say, as you mentioned not to read your comment if not assimilate, what your are telling is nonsense and stupid comment. As anyone writes on this forum, it is automatic right of the forum members to read and comment. This is not your fathers' property and obligation, rather it is public. so, before you create any-type of such topic, think twice. otherwise, you will be considered mere stupid.



Champion Member
Jun 22, 2012
NN74 said:
Wow - what a statement you both made here!

marcus66502 is talking bad about Canada & its economy thru his experiences. Whereas you two in one breath say that he is 100% true and in other breath you say that keep faith and don't give up! What you don't want to give up? Your hope that you will have good future in finding better job!

Alas, that's an understanding issue. Canada is like that since ages but immigrants (esp educated) come here with high hopes (words like don't give up, have faith etc.) which mostly wouldn't come true. So they end up driving taxi or cleaning Tim Horton shops!

There are no significant activities to change Canadian employers mindset about new immigrants. As long as there is no mass movement to change society new immigrants would continue to be minced like that or after 3 years (with Canadian passport) they return back to Middle East or their home town to make good fortune! So conclusion is that no faith would work nor any hope!
so whats the message here? i didn't get your point?


Hero Member
Jun 11, 2013
Job Offer........
Do not come to Canada if you have a stable job with a descent income.Canada is dry.Life is very hard here. We are the sufferer and are planning to leave very shortly.


Full Member
Jan 15, 2010
Target2013- Marcus is definitely talking about the systemic problems that exist in the Canadian economy. The reason can range all the way from low productivity to low consumer demand due to low population. Judging by marcus66502's writing and yours, I can say that you will not seek out in same the job market that he is looking at, so your experience will be different. Faith and trust can change the outcome for a lucky few, however, the majority will face the same barriers that Marcus is facing. Your experience will also depend on your baseline ability, exposure to broader economic circumstances (e.g. If you have already lived and worked in some other developed country) and your expectation (which is again dependent on your current economic situation). To elaborate on my last point, do not discount your current career before making a choice to move


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
My point is that - your statement is incorrect!

emamabd said:
so whats the message here? i didn't get your point?


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Ok, I'll explain in simple words - one person view is considered based on total population. If there are two persons then it is 50%, if 4 then 25% & so on.

Same way, calculate your opinion value among the yearly immigrants and consider that since last 20+ years significant no of immigrants keep coming to Canada and getting settled here!

Now in Canada, overall, immigrants esp educated & those who didn't get job of their profession, are not at all happy! They are angry, frustrated, and boiling. This is an alarming sound for immigration authorities. There's a need of policies to address this humane issue!

Other hand, there are no of Europeans & likewise Scottish or Irish immigrants. A feeling is being developed among them that Asian (Chines, South Asians, or Middle Eastern) immigrants are saturating the job market hence stagnating the Canadian economy. That's how you could face hidden racism in Canadian job market, though not openly! People change their names like Nick Noorani, Rita Singh, or so on to gain market success.

Hope you get the background. I suggest, now your reply would address the main question.

I cant even think of insulting anyone as I believe in human respect & you too!

emamabd said:
you wouldn't know, each person's experience is different.


Champion Member
Jun 22, 2012
NN74 said:
Ok, I'll explain in simple words - one person view is considered based on total population. If there are two persons then it is 50%, if 4 then 25% & so on.

Same way, calculate your opinion value among the yearly immigrants and consider that since last 20+ years significant no of immigrants keep coming to Canada and getting settled here!

Now in Canada, overall, immigrants esp educated & those who didn't get job of their profession, are not at all happy! They are angry, frustrated, and boiling. This is an alarming sound for immigration authorities. There's a need of policies to address this humane issue!

Other hand, there are no of Europeans & likewise Scottish or Irish immigrants. A feeling is being developed among them that Asian (Chines, South Asians, or Middle Eastern) immigrants are saturating the job market hence stagnating the Canadian economy. That's how you could face hidden racism in Canadian job market, though not openly! People change their names like Nick Noorani, Rita Singh, or so on to gain market success.

Hope you get the background. I suggest, now your reply would address the main question.

I cant even think of insulting anyone as I believe in human respect & you too!
I wouldn't repeat the mistake of replying to your posts...its a total waste of time. There are other respectful members in this forum that are worth discussing with and sharing views.

Do what you like, loose hope , loose faith, loose yourself who cares anyway.


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
I know that my last post was a bouncer for you, so I can expect this reply!

hahah hehehehehe

emamabd said:
I wouldn't repeat the mistake of replying to your posts...its a total waste of time. There are other respectful members in this forum that are worth discussing with and sharing views.

Do what you like, loose hope , loose faith, loose yourself who cares anyway.


Hero Member
May 28, 2009
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
May 2008
Doc's Request.
Aug 2012
IELTS Request
Submitted with docs
File Transfer...
April 2011
Med's Request
Nov 2012
Med's Done....
Dec 2012
Passport Req..
31/01/13, received at LVO 04/02/13
Sept 2013
I got immigration in 2013, landed, return back to come next year. I have a friend immigrated 5 years ago, now he has good job, new car, new home, wife is doing PhD.

We both worked in Middle East with very good salary

I think it's depend on your skills, luck and how we'll you prepared yourself for a new country.



Champion Member
Jun 22, 2012
asifmehmood said:
I got immigration in 2013, landed, return back to come next year. I have a friend immigrated 5 years ago, now he has good job, new car, new home, wife is doing PhD.

We both worked in Middle East with very good salary

I think it's depend on your skills, luck and how we'll you prepared yourself for a new country.

Well said, skills and preparation are within one's own control - definitely putting efforts in polishing skills and researching well will pay off.

I also have some friends that are doing really well in canada, now planning for my second landing and hopefully things turn out good.

Good luck in your second landing.


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
marcus66502, I am disappointed to see that personal opinions disillusioned the questions you posed out of your experience. It is something like that visa office returned the PPT+COPR in an envelope but applicant started asking what to do with that envelope.

There's a need to see what type of immigrants are coming to Canada & chance of their success thru CIC policies rather than personal luck or faith in finding good job or friend's experience which everyone concludes thru good planning etc.

I wish you good luck as sometimes table turns and you might find good luck without expectation!

marcus66502 said:
I'm not even going to get into the merits of most of what you've written since it's not even coherent, let alone based on solid evidence.

I do want to say one thing with regard to your last advice: "If you don't like it go somewhere else how simple is that?"

Yes, going somewhere else is an option, except I've chosen not to go with that route. Instead, I've exercised another option: to stay in Canada and post my horrible experiences here in this forum.

I'm aware that you don't like my attitude and what I've written; that's tough, but there's nothing you can do about it unless you buy this forum. Until you own this place, you can't kick my posts out of here. I have as much a right to be here and post my opinions as you do to come here and spew your ignorant rubbish.

I'm gonna end with a piece of advice for you: If you don't like what I have to say, you can stop reading my posts ... any time. How simple is THAT??