Hi Abhishek,abhishek1985 said:Hey
Need advise on physiotherapists.
My wife got her education credentials verified via WES and is the prime applicant for PR.
Now the thing is we checked alliance physiotherapy association website and how to get her license.
They conveyed that we again go through credentials verification process and send our transcripts. It is a complicate process in India.
They did mentioned that WES can send the reports and transcripts to them..you have any clue how exactly it is done once we land in canada
We will stay in Ontario province
Please advise your experience and provision to work as PTA without getting license
We will stay in missisuaga
We both are sailing in the same boat. Even my wife is a physiotherapist and she has got her credentials evaluated from WES. Please share your number or call me back at +919880215641 to share details.
Karthik S