thanks for the replies friends,
when i went to the hospital again, the hospital refused to do medicals again citing that there was already one IME exam in the emedical system against my UCI. so they cant do medicals again.
moreover, i confirmed from the incharge and he said its a routine thing and the embassy will take care.
now my question is: An applicant like me is just going as per the book. i did nothing as per my own sweet will. then why is that there will be ppr delay when they have clearly written "COMPLETE OR PROVIDE PROOF OF MEDICAL COMPLETION"
our senior brother Diplo advised that a delay in third line will definitely result in a quicker PPR. I wish this correlation is true.
wish to have some other advice on this matter please....thanks a lot.
manish baissoya said:
Are you sure or is it a guess ?
brother ss0408
Check my timeline, i got MR on 6th Jan, Courier sent on 8th Jan, RPRF fee DD encashed on 16th Jan , but due to wife's repeat chest X-Ray or you can say medical furtherance 3rd line updated on 17th April.
So as per your assumption Security/criminality check is already done, right ?
So should i get PPR tomorrow if that is the case 

But that is is not the case with NDVO brother