Hi Friends,
Happy to see lots more ppl progressed to PPR...Congrats to all!!!
I received my GCMS Notes yesterday (recommend everybody to apply for the Notes once, possibly after DM to keep a memento

of this Canada journey)
Some interesting observations which I found (note my VO is NDVO)->
1. I applied through visafile.info and they took 45 days to process the request...

...Ultimately, it turned out perfect since I can see the status after DM but recommend ppl who urgently need the Notes, for say, preparing for interview, do NOT go through this site/ follow up continuously to make sure they apply for ur Notes on the same day u pay them
2. All Notes related to Security (like Check Date, Passed Status, Update Date) remain whited-out...I must have passed the Security Check but they seem loath to let me know I passed it...

..Maybe some Regulations of the Canadian Govt/Intelligence Agencies...
3. Before PER issuance only, CIC shared information with US (Partner-Country)...Looks like they don't proceed without an all-clear from America
4. Eligibility assesment (& selection) was done by 2 separate officers at CIC, then again at VO Level..In my Notes, all factors like Eligibility are written as 'Passed'; Security, Misrepresentation and HIRV are blank; and Final Check is 'Approved'
3. In NDVO, the file moved through the Departments like this-
An Officer in ECU-EDO requested for my MR on 17-Dec. Then the file moved to ECU-PA. An Officer in ECU-PA (possibly a Program Assistant) actually sent the MR on 2-Jan. In all, time taken 16 days
4. After Medicals were cleared as Passed (looks like a separate Department), ECU-EDO referred the file to ECU-RFV. They completed my Criminality Check in one day (Security Check entries are whited-out

5. After ECU-RFV where the final decision to Issue Visa and COPR is made, the file moves to a final department called ECU-Issued. There is apparently a PR Visa issuance Room.
6. I had claimed 3+ years of work-ex in my chosen NOC in all documents, but in Eligibility Selection they granted for only 1 year

...I'm still trying to understand why they reduced the work-ex....Looks like I barely cleared the cut-off with 68 points (by God's grace)
Good luck to all