ItsBeenLongNow said:
Hi, you got 10 for Age all other factors zero, how about the Total, is 10 or more than 10?
Also, the "explanation" you sent to the VO, may reflect in your next caips, you may or maynot get a response.
Hi Itsbeenlongnow,
The total was 10 also. To tell you the truth the visa officer has messed up with my case mixed up the whole file. Asking for documents i am not suppose to provide that is what is holding my case at the same place and i can not get medicals.
He is not competent enough to handle files at that office.
But good there is this caip notes i will follow him from time to time to see the mistakes he has made a gain.
There are a couple of papers he made notes on my caips notes, but he has never requested me to send these papers and they are a lso in my file. I did notarized all my papers and sent to them.
I will continue waiting and let you know what has happened.