Salut!Wow! Then I’m sure you are getting it in the next round! All the best!
Oh BTW, when you say 15 months dedicated, do you mean full time?
I mean how many hours?
And can you suggest some apps that I can learn from?
asking this coz I have no way to have immersed learning in order to gain this competency..
Did you learn in just from apps is did you attend classes some where?
I know too many questions but greatly appreciate any response when you find time
I am also guessing you would have answered this somewhere else.. if you point me there it’ll be great too
so the 26th April was the one? congrats if so..So any predictions for 88th draw?
standing with the score of 441, i guess this may be the one!
Hey BuddySalut!
First thing, don't go too deep into grammar, it's not that vital for TEF, you should spend the time focusing on the 4 aspects of the test:
Listening: French radio stations and songs ( try to learn the lyrics, it's much easier to learn vocabulary from a song). I used an app called "Radio Canada".
Reading: News and magazines. I've been reading the "" website everyday, always with google translate ready.
Writing: Write small texts about your life or giving an opinion about an article you read.
Speaking: Find a recorder app and talk about an article you've read, giving your opinion. Sometimes create a "diary", narrating your daily activities.
For speaking and writing, it's vital to find someone to evaluate you, because it's hard to know exactly at what level you are.
Most important, take as many prep tests as possible, to get used to the types of questions from the exam. They always keep the same structure, just changing the situation and vocabulary.
You may find these 2 books online: "TEF Objectif Reussite" and "TEF-250".
bingoMy prediction for the May 9th #89 Draw is:
Score 441
No of ITA's 3500
You have to fill separate travel history forms of yours and your dependantsI got following question in both mine and my spouse's Travel History form.
"Has <candidate>, and if applicable, <candidate>'s family members taken any trips outside their country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since their 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc. "
So, in my travel history form do I have to include my spouse's travel history log? And do i have to do the same for spouse's form?
Hi Thay,So i looked at above calculations and it looks like on the day of Draw - April 11th we had approx. 1928 Applicants between 441-450 CRS
That being said there was 1420 applicants on or above 451 CRS entering the pool between March 27 and April 4th (9 days) Average 158 per day.
There was 7 more days till draw so on the day of draw estimated pool looked like:
451+ - 2524 Applicants (158 applicants entering daily)
441-450 - 1928 Applicants (38 applicants entering daily)
431-440 - 6692 Applicants (20 applicants entering daily)
Now we had draw of 3500 so we come down to:
451+ = 0 Applicants ....After the draw day
441-450 = 952 Applicants .... After the draw day
431-450 = 6692 Applicants ... After the draw day
Lets estimate what the pool will look like on possible draw dates:
7 Days after April 18 (very unlikely)
451 = 1106 Applicants
441-450 = 1218 Applicants
431-440 = 6832 Applicants
In this scenario you can clearly see that CUT OFF would be 440 or lower. Could be anything between 338 to 440, it really depends on where exactly applicants are stuck in 431-440....
14 Days after April 25 (likely the draw day)
451 = 2212 Applicants
441-450 = 1484 Applicants
431-440 = 6972 Applicants
In this scenario we have about 196 applicants left in range of 441-450 after the draw day. That being said CRS CUT-OFF could be 441 with TBRULE or 442.
DRAW ON MAY 9 (14 Days after April 25, second draw within 14 days gap)
451 = 2212 Applicants (AGAIN)
441 - 450 = 728 Applicants
431 - 440 = 7252 Applicants
In this scenario 560 Applicants from range 431 - 440 will receive ITA's so it most likely going to be 440 CRS CUT-OFF
I will work on more clear estimate.