I hate to think this, but there might be another aspect of the draw pattern that is emerging. In addition to having 2 draws of exactly 2750 per month, maybe now it is going to be every 2nd and 4th Wednesday?
This happened last month as well. As per the 2 week gap expected, the draw should have rightfully been on Jan 3rd. But the gap was increased by a week to make it on Jan 10th. So we had a draw on 2nd and 4th wednesday.
Similarly, here if we look at 2 week gap it should be on Feb 7th, but if they want to start having on 2nd and 4th wednesdays then it should be on feb 14th and then feb 28th.
This would make the stream of applicants per month even more steady and stable for IRCC because otherwise months with 5 wednesdays would have 3 draws. That would make it 7750 applicants for that month. But they seem to want a very steady stream of only 5500 per month for now.
Not attempting to predict or put down any ones hope, just putting it out there to see others also might be seeing this as a possible pattern.