a great idea which shall help all of us in lot many ways...I'll lend my support.... my technical expertise is limited,however in planning & organising the event,shall give my inputs and support..
I agree with all the points & would love to take the collaboration beyond the Yukon gathering...however,about the exclusivity of the event,i beg to differ...I would be happier if we could reach out to more people and welcome whoever wants to participate based on advance registration...we shouldn't leave out anyone...however we may have a governing council of senior members to decide on such all matters...I'm sure there are legal requirements to be followed if such a planned gathering is to happen at a public place...
secondly,we all will be trying our best to integrate & merge into the society as that would be everyones aim and it'd serve everyone better to integrate seamlessly into the Canadian society(though it is nearly impossible)...special care should be taken not to generate any public sentiment (among the citizens) against the immigration policies by the event...catching bad publicity at some stage/as showing strength or a pointer to future moves of 'immigrants'....public gatherings could give the far right wing ppl something to raise a red flag...
I'm for our Yukon party and beyond ...but my only concern would be that it should be planned so delicately that it shouldn't lead to alter the harmony that exists among the immigrants & citizens..
we know there is rift in some migrant friendly countries which is surely undesireble and we wouldn't want to start off that here

wish you could get back the old profile of urs...

... but being back itself is great..
the web page should have menu tabs for creative expressions / entrepreneurial ideas / employment notifications / moral support ~to share issues / emergency assistance / helpful govt websites etc.