....have to believe things about ur first hand experiences & the budget plans
another perspective,
about eating on such a budget plan....from my experience..
I used to eat normal & used to enjoy my food well that it took me to 104kgs in 2013 Dec....
thereafter I decided to eat only things when I was really hungry & only what was necessary...to cut short,an year later I was 40kilos lower & ran a half marathon (for first time in my life) & timed better than some navy personnel who ran along with me...
what I realised in the process is that man can live on one fifth of what he usually consumes...but we all are conditioned from birth on supplying food at regular intervals...on survival mode man needs so little and everything starts becoming so tasty once you choose to eat when you are really really hungry and only the necessary amount...man's eating habit changed only with organised farming & social living...for those years men lived as a hunter gatherers, we ate when we found something,just the way over half of the world in some poor African & Asian countries still eat...eating and drinking may be once a day or once in couple of days...eating whatever they get
I give that much importance only to food though I surely enjoy a nice dinner with family and friends...but I don't think cost of food will ever beat me or my family ever,anywhere

and the ease I'm feeling once I slipped into the change feels so much better than the happiness some rich food could get me...
I'll munch on tasty food at times ...but that's not of greatest importance...
I find coffee without cream and sugar / green tea as good as with cream or sugar...I find an oatmeal with not much of tasties added as good as a rich Biriyani...
I'll be sad if a pair of sneakers costed more and they started charging for running on the streets / cycling in the open

I'm just sharing my perspective...no way trying to tell my thoughts are correct...I find it better than before...