One thing I would like to say to everyone here -
This forum has tons of knowledge and information. In fact, so much that you will hardly find one consultant who has so much of knowledge as detailed in the lines of these forums.
Fun time is fine but do invest some of your time in figuring out the common pitfalls and issues most applicants face and mistakes they make.
I can show you the JACKASS mistake I made because I was a total..well..jackass few months back. I have improved a bit since then though

The mistake I made was making change in my profile on Tuesday. I did a small change in my profile and those changes were not reflected till 24 hours and by that I had missed the RoI, the one RoI I was waiting for months, the April'17 one which was below 420.
Luckily, CIC gave me another chance in May RoI. But you can imagine I wanted to kick myself the first time when I made that mistake.
The thing is you should be aware of tiny mistakes you make because later on you might have to pay huge for them.
Now I am giving all sort of info I know and creating thread to help the new applicant but a year or so back, I was like a Jackass walking in the park unaware of what I am doing and what the implications of those actions can be.
Bottom Line - Do invest your time in findings what problems other applicants face as you will be facing them in coming few months yourself.
I faced a lot of trouble in creating a perfect Gift Deed and Employment Proof and that is why I tried my best to give you little nudge on that end.
Will try to help in future as well because looks like it I might face few issues in my applications soon.
I am being told to take the chest x-ray again..perhaps the lab technician didn't do a thorough job while taking it the first time and now CIC has asked for a detailed one along with x-ray film and everything