I really still cannot comprehend why did CIC issues that massive number of invitations in April and May. Of course I am happy for people who got invitations during that period, don't get me wrong, but honestly I could not find the logic behind that severe necessity to issue back to back draws with huge number of invitations that reached almost 3900 in one draw! I was thinking thoroughly about this, my only and simple explanation is that they were catching up with something and they had to cover a targeted quota.
This implies directly that the beginning/ end of a year to us, is completly different than what CIC considers. Think about it carefully, issuing huge number of invitations over 5 rounds in two months, after which they made only two draws in two months with much less invitations. For me this says a lot of things. I am a person who is logical and always trying to understand and find explanations.
Therefore, this is my conclusion:
• in order to target a number of immigrant in a certain year, you have to issue its latest invitations 5-7 months earlier, right? This is the average processing time for an express entry candidate. So, let's say I had already targeted a number of immigrants for 2017, but realized from the number of accepted invitations when I reached the latest month to take an action (April/ May 2017) that I'm far away from my target, what shall I do? Exactly what CIC did, sending enourmous amount of invitations in a short period to catch up with my plan (considering that starting from June, I have to send invitations for people who will arrive in 2018). Then after sending, I have to stop a bit, review my target, evaluate the process of the previous year, give my employees their vacations (because it's summer and they don't really enjoy the weather except in these days) relax and plan for the next year, and make two draws only to fill up missing numbers and get into the new year wisely, because I don't want the same rush that happened in April and May again. This is the summary of June and July.
Now, I'm in August, I will look back to the previous year (which was the first year to have such a big target) and observe the trends to balance the pool throughout the year.
Currently, I'm more able to make two-weeks draw with almost same number of invitations every round, knowing to a good extent what that will lead me to in terms of achieving my target for 2018.
The previous scenario was the only thing tgst give me explanation on how CIC acted over the last 4 months, I'm not saying it must be true, but it puts a logic behind things.
Discussions and other points of view are welcomed
Thank you!