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Ray of Hope 68th Draw


Jul 26, 2017
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Just FYI,

Source - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/EE-2016-eng.pdf

In January and February 2016, IRCC held regular invitation rounds issuing about 1,500 invitations per round. As planned, smaller invitation rounds (between 750 and 1,000) were held between March and August 2016 to allow the department to continue processing applications received prior to the launch of Express Entry. During these months, a larger share of foreign nationals with a job offer or a Provincial Nomination were invited as they were awarded an additional 600 points. In doing so, a smaller share of candidates without either a job offer or a Provincial Nomination received an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

I wish everyone all the good luck!

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence - Helen Keller.


Hero Member
Jan 26, 2017
Job Offer........
Guys, need some advice. I sent my transcripts through dhl from delhi. Now when I'm tracking it on their site it is showing me that 'receipent not at home'. Which is somewhat strange to me. Has anyone faced this issue. What to do now?? Please help.

I used this address:
World Education Services
Attention: Documentation Center
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3

Wandering Mind

Champion Member
Mar 20, 2017
May I say something? I'm only about a week old on this forum and don't mean to transgress the bounds of any established etiquette here, but I have noticed that whenever someone posts anything even remotely negative with regard to the outcome of the draw, they are ridiculed and even bullied by other members.

I am seeing right now, for example, one member on here bullying another for his bad spelling and grammar (when his/her English is nowhere near perfect I might add). I think this is really unnecessary.

I see posts all the time on here, about how it is easy to be pessimistic but it takes courage to be optimistic. I don't believe this to be true. In fact, science has proven this to be false. It just comes easier for some than for others; depends on your genetic makeup... In fact, some thinkers say that it is pessimists who experience and perceive true reality. The rest of us optimists are just delusional.

Don't get me wrong, I am not denying for one minute the benefits and power of delusion. It is wonderful and gets you through the most trying times. My point is that not all of us are predisposed to delusional optimism, and besides realism has its advantages too. Maybe these naysayers can bring to our attention a point we hadn't considered before, something that could be constructive towards our common goal of obtaining that ITA.

Yes, this thread is called the "Ray of Hope," and I can understand that we want to maintain an optimistic vibe here; maybe reading a negative post is unpleasant to you; but have you ever stopped to think that perhaps some come here in search of hope. Maybe they need a place to air out their fears so they can be assuaged? Can we more supportive of our pessimistic "brothers and sisters" here?
You're telling me that dramatic proclamations of "dreams shattered" and "my life's not worth living anymore because I didn't get an ITA in this draw" don't get to you :p You're definitely a better person than I am :D

Or maybe I'm just a jaded oldie who's patience runs thin when forum members indulge in undue self pity and unnecessary conspiracy theories when they could be spending their time more constructively reading, researching or asking relevant questions about their circumstances.

I can't speak for other members, but I offer support to "our pessimistic brothers and sisters" only when they've genuine concerns or specific questions. Cryptic comments or uneducated guesses about their own and everybody else's future serve no purpose and are defeatist.

All of us have gone through hardships to be where we are today. If a few weeks wait for a draw is killing us, how will we face the journey ahead post ITA which is the real test of patience and endurance?!

So the point of this rather long rant is, expect to see more pep talk from me about being optimistic since pessimism serves no purpose :p
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Champion Member
Feb 13, 2017
NOC Code......
May I say something? I'm only about a week old on this forum and don't mean to transgress the bounds of any established etiquette here, but I have noticed that whenever someone posts anything even remotely negative with regard to the outcome of the draw, they are ridiculed and even bullied by other members.

I am seeing right now, for example, one member on here bullying another for his bad spelling and grammar (when his/her English is nowhere near perfect I might add). I think this is really unnecessary.

I see posts all the time on here, about how it is easy to be pessimistic but it takes courage to be optimistic. I don't believe this to be true. In fact, science has proven this to be false. It just comes easier for some than for others; depends on your genetic makeup... In fact, some thinkers say that it is pessimists who experience and perceive true reality. The rest of us optimists are just delusional.

Don't get me wrong, I am not denying for one minute the benefits and power of delusion. It is wonderful and gets you through the most trying times. My point is that not all of us are predisposed to delusional optimism, and besides realism has its advantages too. Maybe these naysayers can bring to our attention a point we hadn't considered before, something that could be constructive towards our common goal of obtaining that ITA.

Yes, this thread is called the "Ray of Hope," and I can understand that we want to maintain an optimistic vibe here; maybe reading a negative post is unpleasant to you; but have you ever stopped to think that perhaps some come here in search of hope. Maybe they need a place to air out their fears so they can be assuaged? Can we more supportive of our pessimistic "brothers and sisters" here?
First, welcome to our crazy bin! Don't get offended, we don't mean anything bad, everyone here is really helpful and full of understanding and support.

Second, talking from my experience I had so many troubles in my life and if I wasn't thinking that better tomorrow will come I probably wouldn't be alive today.

Third, when someone is posting things like, dreams are shuttered and everything is depressing we have to say to these people have faith and hope because common sense tells us that it will be truly ok, why? Because no one is dying and CIC needs immigrants so eventually every will get ITA.

And finally, if for God forbid bullying happens which it shouldn't, ever, you or anyone else can report that person and he or she will be removed by moderators.

Good luck with your journey to Canada!

It's not easy and all we do is support each other in hard times, for these people I'm grateful, otherwise I would go insane and given up my Canadian dream long time ago!