I know the feeling, I used to feel the same and in a blink of an eye CRS dropped magnanimously! I waited for 2 years for that ITA (though i don't wish for anyone to wait that long) and finally perseverance won my friend.
Still sometimes I feel like this, as still I am in processing stage, still feel scared and wonder that, "will this actually happen?" "Will that day come that i will be jumping like i maniac to celebrate this good news". Then I remind myself of how like a miracle things just changed and ITA came, so I kick away the negativity and get back to hoping

The journey to Canada tests you like nothing else, first wait for WES, then for IELTS, then for ITA, ITA. ITA and ITA jumping from one ray of hope to another, then for Medicals Pas, etc etc etc etc, till PPR, its a bloody torturous saga of wait and fear. It can only be won over by Faith and Hope.
Which i know plenty of us have

A big hug for you my friend, stay positive, you ARE going to Canada. I have seen your posts, you come of as a very kind and wonderful person, you have many a blessings, good begets good, so shall you

. Wish you all the Luck. Cheers

"God has perfect timing, never early, never late. it takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait."
"Sometimes God holds you back temporarily until the road is safe and clear to continue".
Your time is going to come real quick.