Hey Pete..So impressed by you..
How unrealistic and impossible goal you have achieved..I mean we all know how hard it is to gain those many bands that too in all modules..I mean great job done man.
Being selfish here..Please guide us about writing part.. Especially the site which u referred for preparation.
One mOre silly question..How many sheets did u fill for task two.
This may help some of you studying and taking IELTS to increase your scores, or maybe not, but I'll post anyway

Firstly, I revised quite a lot for the exam, finding as many online examples as possible for the listening, reading and writing and completing the mock tests for around 3 or 4 weeks leading up to the exam. With the listening exam I'd recommend having a good look through the question before the audio starts so that you have an idea of what to listen out for (even if it's sub-consciously). Then its a case of listening intently for the key details e.g. train time, platform, location. In my opinion the listening is not straight forward its quite easy to 'trip up' with some of the questions.
For reading I found this the easiest of all the tests since all of the information is presented in front of you, although you are required to interpret some of the information and discount other potential answers. If I remember correctly I finished this early and had a nice little nap while waiting for others to finish! I'd recommend getting through the paper quite quickly then go back and confirm your answers - if a question is not immediately clear then move on and come back to it, better to answer 90% of the paper than 50% (worst case scenario). Also, as with the listening, read the question a couple of times before you look for the answer as this will help identifying the pertinent data.
Writing is probably the trickiest of all since marking is largely subjective. Although I write technical reports as part of my job I did spend quite a bit of time revising how to structure my answer. It was a while ago but I seem to remember looking up the basic structure of a complaint letter and how to organise the presentation of data. You can improve your writing performance by reading English books, this will improve your lexicon, vocabulary and hopefully your speaking score!.
Speaking was probably the oddest of all, nothing more than an informal chat about some very strange subjects (very abstract) so try and go in relaxed, I wouldn't recommend using some of the more complex words unless you are 100% confident in their application and context but remember this is an opportunity to show off your direct communication skills.
Hope this helps.