came saw and conquered

, Had no idea bout Canadian PR, saw an MBA classmate suddenly moving to Canada (in linekdin saw suddenly he is working in toronto), realized that he must have got PR first and then job (non IT jobs are not easy to get without PR), tarted researching in December. Gave IELTS in February (with no preparation, just went there ans sat for test) got L 6.5, R 8.5 W 8.0 and S 8.0, realized that IELST listening is not about how good a listener you are but more about listening and dumping what you listen on the answer sheet (dumb listener test

), gave again in February end got L 8.5 R 9 W 8 and S 7 (speaking part screwed up because of bad mood), got to 451, got ECA this Monday and profile active on Tuesday and today I have ETA. Yo babe, bring it on.
I had so many confusions/doubts that this site helped clear. Thanks all for that.