Hi everyone,
I paid for the legal advice/services to get in the pool and as I saw everyone trying to get paper ready upfront an ITA, I tried to do the same (medicals and FBI PCC upfront).
According to them, this documents are only valid/accepted for 6 months and if you do them too upfront, you may need to do them again
halfway through your process. Thus, their advice to me was to wait to receive an ITA, to them get the PCC and medicals. Additionally, if you have to repeat medicals for a whole family, its kinda expensive too (US$400/person)....while PCC FBI is US$18/person. (Adding up can be a your first month of rent in CANADA!!!

BTW.. This advice does not hinder you from scheduling medicals for few days after "possible ITA date", nor getting ready to send PCC the week or the day you are expecting/getting an ITA.