Don't mind them. There's a particular prophet of doom rhat insists scores will never come down from 475. Someone said regular all program won't drop till mid next year. And they appeared so convinced like they work with IRCC. We bless God.Like always, CIC has maintained its image of being "unpredictable", but this time in a positive way.
Glad to see a decrease of not 1 point, but 3 points from the last general draw cut-off. Its a tight slap to all those who were adamant to see the decrease in the cut-off. This iS the REALITY now. I won't be surprised if such negative folks would disappear this time again like always.![]()
Anyways, many congratulations to all of the ITA receivers and a big sigh of relief to those who have been waiting since long. After all they have got a reason to be hopeful. That's why I always say to stay "Forever hopeful" and don't let your spirit go down. Good luck everybody.
Same here march 13 profile submitted..472Lost in tie braker, CRS 472Heartbreaks and the wait contiues!
I have been on 475 since sept 3rd but I updated/changed my primary NOC last night. Will this affect my chances of getting invited?You will miss it. It is done 2 or 3 days in advance
If you were 472 or higher before the change then you'll probably still get itI have been on 475 since sept 3rd but I updated/changed my primary NOC last night. Will this affect my chances of getting invited?
No prior exp and canadian masters plus 1 year cec = 490-501 CECIt seems like it’s best to come to Canada as an international student if you have prior education and experience this will be the new norm moving forward.
Exactly an undergrad degree is required at the minimum. Otherwise experience has to make up for itNo prior exp and canadian masters plus 1 year cec = 490-501 CEC
I mean not really. Even a Canadian Bachelor's with no prior experience and 1 year CEC gets 474 (with highest IELTS) It is only the diploma students that won't make it. If all program draws continue then CRS will be lower than 474 probablyExactly an undergrad degree is required at the minimum. Otherwise experience has to make up for it
Same here... can’t believe my eyes...I can't believe, i can't believe!!!!!!!!
My score is 473!
But i don't see an invitation in my profile(( I hope it will come soon as people say they are coming within 24 hrs!
I just can't sit on a chair!!!
We have submitted our express entry profile on 13th September at 15:40 UTC? Is is it safe? Are we going to receive our ITA?You will miss it. It is done 2 or 3 days in advance