After reading through all of the comments on the thread, I would like to put forth MY OPINION and doubts,
1. Why do people assume that travel restriction is connected with FSW draws?
Even if FSW draws occur the complete processing takes ~6months. Some of the users tried pointing it out but they were shut up by sarcastic comments.
2. In what way Ontario inviting FSW EE candidates determine no FSW draws in upcoming weeks?
As a matter of fact, if one had to look analytically, Ontario would definitely like to swoop in and in a way "reserve" candidates for itself. People assume just because someone got ITA they will head to Ontario. Mind you, BC, Alberta, PEI etc are equally favorable to people and also has the same NOC jobs listed as 'in demand' on their PNP websites. So taking this into consideration, in my opinion, it is very likely that 471 and above FSW EE candidates may get an ITA. Plus the added $1500 is a good revenue for Ontario since they would potentially lose out these candidates in an event of an ITA.
3. Will the next draw be FSW?
There are high chances that it may happen. The change in wording on twitter hints at a possibility. But I find there is no reason to pull down hopeful applicants just because they think FSW is going to happen. I believe, if one has nothing nice or supportive to say, one should not pull down other's spirits. Remember everyone has had their struggles and stories and everyone wants the best for themselves. For most of us here, English isn't the first language, so by attacking someone's grammar or typos I don't know what sense of pride one achieves. Dampening someone's spirits by sarcasm or rude comments isn't very "Canadian". Let us all be civil here.
Let's just all be nice to one other and support eachother irrespective of the stream/class under which we are planning to immigrate.
I sincerely wish GOOD LUCK to every reader!