Core/Human capital factors
- Age = 110
- Level of education = 128
- Study in Canada = 15
- Official Languages = 122
- First Official Language = 122
- Second Official Language = 0
- Canadian work experience = 40
Subtotal - Core/Human capital factors = 400
Spouse factors
- Level of education = 0
- First Official Languages = 0
- Canadian work experience = 0
Subtotal - Spouse factors = 0
Skill transferability factors
- A) Official Language proficiency and education = 25
- B) Canadian work experience and education = 25
Subtotal = 50
Foreign work experience
- A) Official Language proficiency and foreign work experience = 0
- B) Canadian and foreign work experience = 0
Subtotal = 0
Certificate of qualification = 0
Subtotal Skill transferability factors = 50
Comprehensive Ranking System formula
Subtotal Core/Human capital + Spouse factors + Skill transferability = 450
So guys this is the average score of inland
applicants with just one experience with bachelors degree and Canadian diploma. So just PNP or Computer based IELTS Is not the reason for high CRS . Inland applicants is the reason behind high CRS. Some people can get LMIA easily so 50 extra points.
almost every year 165000 study permit are given.