what about the tie-breaker rule ? i'm at 460 (march 28th) should i be fine ?Expecting next draw to be on July 10th and cut-off 460
what about the tie-breaker rule ? i'm at 460 (march 28th) should i be fine ?Expecting next draw to be on July 10th and cut-off 460
No no they didn't do that, only dates when I was there
My methods are slightly different in calculating the number per day - I simply use the published # of candidates with 451+ between two dates plus the # drawn to get to a total number of new candidates as opposed to projecting to the draw date to calculate the then following 9 days' # per day. Second thing is I am not assuming 50% of 451+ lies between 471 and 600 - I think it is closer to 40% seeing that it is more difficult to achieve higher scores. I can share my model with you if you DM me your emailConsidering current situation:
461: 80%
460: 20%![]()
My name is repeating twice.. am on 458..CURRENT INTERNAL CRS TRACKER STATUS
(Updated till 11:30 AM IST today) CRS summary of active members waiting for Golden ITA:
- 460+ (Total 5) - ajangbar001: 461 | meet0708: 461 | parth7d: 461 | Yukti2406: 461 | crjusuf: 461
- 455-460 (Total 28) – DreamITA: 460 | epema.kz: 460 | Ican2019: 460 | Punitsingh: 459 | nadal87: 459 | MuibKhan: 458 | chirkut: 458 | Kenneth89: 458 | Herlo: 458 | Dhaval Trivedi: 458 | jollystripes: 458 | Herlo: 458 | #EEC: 457 | sarak1812: 457 | Priyasehgal22: 457 | sahils123: 457 | tharibak: 456 | royalking: 456 | phuketlove: 456 | SimonSaleh: 456 | Jasmine1998: 456 | brick8899: 456 | Angel1113: 456 | Sara890: 455 | Eddiesol: 455 | Folaroyal: 455 | yigitsk: 455 | merlz: 455
- 450-454 (Total 36) - chirag171987: 454 | atuls: 454 | SG1507: 454 | Mspa: 454 | Sindhuja Karthikeyan: 453 | madhav_91: 453 | vivosvoco: 453 | Teenz: 453 | Maya53: 453 | Uchyann: 453 | jricardobt: 453 | Suhasrs: 452 | ArsheyaBegum: 452 | cdddelhi: 451 | Bageshree: 451 | praveen22: 451 | captainUT: 451 | tonydlaw24: 451 | Chuaxin1: 451 | 13nitinsharma: 450 | nehadeep: 450 | jkaur95: 450 | shamu2013: 450 | hakweye: 450 | parvin2019: 450 | ekta29: 450 | skg1988: 450 | mamuso: 450 | vmsanthosh.chn: 450 | akm_11: 450 | anusha1712: 450 | mominmalik5: 450 | mandiebraxton: 450 | xyz2017: 450 | Avmaia: 450 | kuljeetklf: 450 | Ranjitrip: 450 | Hasrat123: 450
- 445-449 (Total 61) - Shaanoh: 449 | Div_newbie:449 | veritas1994: 449 | dappy9: 449 | Manru:449 | AnkitaShukla: 449 | a.altigani: 449 | IndianFam: 449 | prsingh: 449 | SanjibSaha: 449 | kvaram_62: 449 |nitinkalra07: 449 | Sreedev83: 449 | patel_d07: 448 | EnthuChap: 448 | shine04: 448 | Agarwalparesh26: 448 | Tivativalu: 448 | AmeyaGodbole: 448 | Tilly3: 448 | M2a3r4y5a6m: 448 | SimonSaleh: 448 | Hydowwu: 448 | msgill88:448 | Lazybug: 448 | NMS@: 448 | panchalch2: 448 | Dewdrops1502: 448 | matteis:447 | D'trox: 447 | Noopur_23: 447 | Ravi_15: 447 | Meer85: 447 | Flowerview: 447 | armaanwadhwa: 447| nikki1992: 447 | Saial: 447 | shaunk_redemption: 447 | Brian_natt: 447 | infectious: 447 | LKRYA: 447 | sehgaljps: 447 | Stakesarehigh28: 447 | ExpressMan: 447 | Not_Your_Donkey_Kong: 446 | Rafahul: 446 | Reet_123: 446 | Kk1234:446 | SASH8288: 446 | MynameisMTS: 446 | RochelleAlford: 446 | rahulkraju: 446 | epema.kz: 446 | prince_lords:445 | frightenedpanda: 445 | dawak: 445 | nolimits7405: 445 | Boluwaduro: 445 | asad_ali_awan: 445 | MittalM: 445 | siataheri:445 | Yiss: 445 | IeltsDream2019: 445 | MarvelousMitz: 445
- 441-444 (Total 39) - NikSharma01:444 | NishaKirthi: 444 | Sonammahajan: 444 | mominmalik5: 444 | kadeed:444 | Jms_16: 444 | v_nitesh_k: 444 | nns14: 444 | Rohanisha: 444 | Ainpeespirant: 443 | MzBAH: 443 | gmi3001:443 | pursuit: 443 | sidra91: 443 | rharmon: 443 | seff786: 443 | seff786: 443| Lena32: 443 | aloobharta01:442 | Kiamin: 442 | tani: 442 | MV18: 442 | Dirup: 442 | Shishir Chandra Kumar: 441 | SociallyAwkward: 441 | BumbleFrisbee: 441 | Ram89: 441 | intels: 441 | Maalee: 441 | SJ24: 441 | anandthepilot: 441 | beluluba: 441 | Mukeshprasada: 441 | akhil994: 441 | Priya85: 441 | hardeepSingh: 441 | Sony K Koshy: 441 | WantToImmigrate: 441 | os32: 441
- 435-440 (Total 17) - bluehorse:440 | Tamilan8: 440 | Chavoshhh: 440 | ppa: 440 | rovar473: 440 | Siddharth-BOM: 438 | cadiee:438 | :438 | Sara1981:438 | rdj08: 438 | Nidsy: 438 | ghvijay: 438 | Vive: 438 | Kiamin: 437 | Sam0301: 437 | sheikh.abaz: 435 | Hemilshah80: 435
Please share your updated CRS score if you're not included in this list or missed out in yesterday's draw.
- Below 435 (Total 6) - Life79: 432 | kumsa83: 432 | Day2203: 431 | moto90: 424 | AND IND: 423 | Sdabas: 421
Reference letter is one of the most important documents for PR. Even though it looks like a minor thing it can cause an issue. I am sure there are many Simranjeet Singh in CIC's record. If you can get it edited I advise you to do so. Why take a risk? right!I just got my reference letter from employer signed. I forgot to add my surname in the letter i.e I wrote Simranjeet Singh instead of Simranjeet Singh Vasdev as given in the passport.
Would it cause an issue?
I am pretty sure, it wont get signed again. What are my alternatives, can I photoshop it to include my surname?Reference letter is one of the most important documents for PR. Even though it looks like a minor thing it can cause an issue. I am sure there are many Simranjeet Singh in CIC's record. If you can get it edited I advise you to do so. Why take a risk? right!
Don't lose hope. Number of ITA per draw will increase soon. I agree all of the seniors predictions are very accurate but nobody can predict future cut off for sure right. Score dropped only 3 points in this draw but that doesn't mean in future draws this drop in score can't be more. For example there might be 1000 people with cut off of 462 but only 500 people with cut of 461. So we never know.Seeing all this predictions calculations..I think I am done here standing at 453 losing 5 points by
End of August :-(
You made a mistake for your home address, always mention the last date of your stay as a date of leaving that country, if not your PCC will be invalid as it doesn't cover the date you mentioned to get home. Jan 5 is your last day in A country which is mentioned on your PCC but if you say I landed on the 6th of Jan in B country, it may confuse immigration officer whether you flew on the 5th or 6th of Jan. It will lead to the rejection of your application. This time be careful.So basically I have a PCC from a country where I lived from 31st May 2014 to 05th January 2016, I traveled to this same country in 2011 and in 2014 in April.
My PCC from this country was like a table where you can see the dates when I have traveled to this country:
from jun to aug 2011
from 16 apr to 31 May 2014 (this date is not accurate and I didn't notice)
from 19 oct 2014 to 05/01/2015
(please note that there was a mistake in my PCC as I stayed in this country from 31st May to July 2014 but it does not appear there)
so this is for PCC, as you can see I have one mistake , I raised CSE, no more than one week after my AOR, as I saw the mistake but at the end it was not taken into consideration.
regarding address history, I stated
31st May 2014 to 14 June 2014 in address A in Country A
14 june to 05th January 2015 at address B in Country A
Mainly the rejection reason was:
The PCC for country A presented in not acceptable, because it does not cover the period where you lived there. In your address history you stated that you lived there from 14 June 2014 to 06 January 2015.
Now I can see the mismatch but the 06 January was my return to my home country and I was not living in country A, I am not sure if I made a mistake in address history or, typo from agent?
Anyway, I have a new ITA and I will complete my file much more carefully, if somone has a thought on that, please do not hesitate, I just hope that what I wrote make sense
It will be better if you leave it as it is then. I strongly recommend not tampering with your reference letter as will be considered a fraud if caught and can get you banned from applying for 5 years or more.I am pretty sure, it wont get signed again. What are my alternatives, can I photoshop it to include my surname?
Your PCC should cover every single day you stayed in that country for 6 months in a row or more and in your case the PCC should be issued after you you left the country if you don't go back there.Thanks!
I think u need pcc from a country only if u lives there for more than 6 months.
For example, if I live as below:
1. First duration is more than 6 months in country A
2. Then I return back to home country
3. Then after 4-5 months I again visit country A for one month
Then do I need to get pcc for 1 month also as mentioned in point#3 ?
I would advise highly against it. Please don't Photoshop as that would be forging a document. Maybe you could get by without them noticing but it is still too big of a risk with a lot to lose.I am pretty sure, it wont get signed again. What are my alternatives, can I photoshop it to include my surname?
US PCC doesn't mention any dates of travel, if it was issued after you left the US, then everything will be fine.I lived in US, and i already have the FBI PCC, in which they even didnt mention any travel or living dates, except that there is no criminal record upto the date this pcc is issued.
How would do you explain importance of dates here??
Current draw tiebreak rule is May 11th. So yes, you should be fine with March 28thwhat about the tie-breaker rule ? i'm at 460 (march 28th) should i be fine ?
You need a letter with your full name. Try your best to get your full name in the letter. If you leave it as is, you are definitely getting yourself a "Review Required" in the near future and additional several months of processing on top of thatI am pretty sure, it wont get signed again. What are my alternatives, can I photoshop it to include my surname?