What’s your profession?, if it falls within the CIC interpretation of been a professional degree!, you need not evaluate it with IQAS.
I have a B.A, LL.B which is by all means and definitions (as per CIC education equivalence chart also) a professional degree.
However the confusion has arisen on part of my WES evaluation. It gave me a dual bachelors' (4 years) evaluation (the course i did was an integrated one i.e B.A+LL.B 5 years). The focus area in the ECA however does mention 'law'. Now the CIC equivalency chart does mention that if you get a Bachelor of Laws evaluation, that would be counted a professional degree, however the trouble is that the evaluation so given is not Bachelor of laws but just bachelors.
If the ECA had stated a 'bachelor of laws' evaluation, that would have given me professional points. But WES only gave me simple Bachelors' degree evaluation.
You see the trouble?
Now, I have read repeatedly here that you should put in exactly what your ECA states. But I have known a couple of guys also who entered it as a professional degree and got away with it. And here's the funny part, I have known a couple of other guys also, who entered their Bachelors evaluation as professional and got their points deducted later and thus became ineligible as their CRS fell below the cut off in the relevant draws.
I mean LOL. I know their are gray areas, but this is just grossly stupid.
Any advice how to act on this, now that you know the facts?