Predict CRS for next draw
June 12 - ITA 3350 - 466 +/-1
June 26 - ITA 3350 - 462 +/-1
July - September
with all the PNP processed and 1000 OINP recently, the 600+ group should be quite active between summer month; therefore, the CRS will maintain at higher level. Also consider other minor factors such as USA immigration policy, inland applicants gain more experience after grad in summer (international student raise crazy in last 5 years), more Hong Kong applicants try to immigrate to Canada recently due to a negative China/HK relationship (don't forget HK was one of the largest asian group in Vancouver/Toronto between 1990s - 2000s) etc. Canada is also getting more publicity around the world by Toronto Raptors (just Joking).
Predict to Dance between 456 - 463
October - onward
Unpredictable now ~ but mostly likely stay around 455-460 with possibly 451 - 453 (tie break rule apply or once in a life chance)
Election month and predict CIC will be more "conservative" during this period because they are not sure what is the new immigration policy or budget for their department. Remember Trudeau's refugee policy and it def affects the CIC attitude. (welcoming more immigrants)
Immigration is always happening but attitude will affect the approach (Trump vs Obama)