I was at 443 till yesterday. I'm at 438 now with my Birthday cutting 5 points. Earlier I used to get frustrated with the cutoff points being so high, but now I'm fine. Guys with scores below 445 please be realistic ..Waiting for ITA at low scores and wasting your precious time will not help. Instead try to do something in PNP , where applicable NOC is existing. But low score guys like me, should not be very hopeful for atleast few months. Instead try learning French and increase score or go through some course to get additional degree, or try some other country. Please just don't sit waiting for your turn, as it may take 6 months or more. Miracles do happen. May be I'm wrong ( I wish). But keep PLAN -b ready for your career.. Don't keep Canadian dreams, come in your way of your other dreams. Keep ray of hope alive for even other goals.. All the best. DONT EXPECT MIRACLES..