yeah that's awesome. But actually you are in India. My hubby got our PCCs from Islamabad during our last visit to Pak within 2 working days. Like, he submitted the docs one day, police verified the address and info by visiting our house and neighbors the same day, and gave us the PCC the next day. BUT that pcc isnt valid coz it doesnt cover the whole period of our stay in Pak..soooo my bro got another one on our behalf from Islamabad today. However, I need 2 coz the format of our PCC is different. It mentions the address of the applicant and verifies that this person doesn't have any criminal record in thissss district/region.. Police dept comes under provincial govt. So if you move from one province to another, you will need a new PCC. There is no centralized ministry or dept for this purpose. That's why its a bit complicated.. Anyway, I know people in my hometown ho can get it made for me, so for now, I'm just worried about the CSR

Let's hope and pray that it comes down to 440 again..