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Racism in Quebec


Sep 14, 2015
Hello everyone,

I'm a french immigrant from France and I lived one year in Toronto before to start my studies in Quebec.

And since this bad decision, I live in hell...

I thought studying in Quebec and paying 3000$ by year would be a great idea but I underestimated the racism in this province.

Even if I'm french. I'm not white but black. As a lot of people in Canada. But for quebecois you can't be black and french. Everytimes I say I'm french, quebecois look at me and say in pointing my skin : "Are you sure ?"

Students in Quebec are so rudes...

Communication is also really hard because I speak french in a different way. But rather than trying to make me repeat when they don't understand. They stare at me as if I spoke a language coming from Mars.

Even university employees and teachers are racists. One day I took the line to ask a question to a teacher. They were two quebecois before me and three after me. But the teacher ignored me and first answered to all the quebecois.

When I lived in Toronto. I have never met so many people racists and proud of it.

Am I the only one to live this kind of experiences in Quebec ?

All I want now is to end my studies and go back to Ontario. All canadians in Ontario were so nices. Living in Quebec was the worst decision in my life...


Star Member
Apr 28, 2015
That has not been my experience. In general, I find the Canadian society to be much more friendlier and much less paranoid. But I live in the United States. My girlfriend lives in Quebec and I visit her every month. So far I haven't had any bad experiences in dealing with people. The only bias I could imagine would be if you don't speak French, but in my experience most Quebecois will make an attempt to speak English with you. If you do however speak French, their faces light up.

Of course at the end of the day we are all prone to bias and some racism resulting from it. No province is free of racism, but Canadian societies are so much more open and friendlier than the US. You'd have to experience it in the US to see the difference. Every time I visit Montreal, I get the feeling of being in a wholly different world. Hundreds of nationalities, cultures and languages all intermingling in one Pangaea.

You may have met a few bad apples, but that's not the norm. I would take Canada over US any day.