I want to know if that firm is good
McLennan Ross
any comments about it
Most Canadians lawyers do not give me clear answer about my mails
But mostly the same reply
Replies, such as (Yes, we can help you
But you must pay XXX in order to book consult)
I start think I talking with Bots or they do not even read my letters or just automatic reply
Most Canadian immigration lawyers are very bad
For example, when I ask them several questions
they Answer one question and ignore the other questions
They talk about money before any information
How i can guarantee I do not get the answer I knew previously?
I do not want to pay my money to get the same answers that I know
I found the immigration consultant but he is also not perfect
When I send him a questions in mail
he just answer one point and ignores the other points
He now wants $ 1,500 to open a file And start helping me
He works in McLennan Rossincreasing your probability of being issued student visas. We could open one file for $1,500
So I want to sure from them
I want to know
if 1500usd reasonable amount
How i can guarantee my money?