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Questions: For those EE profiles met both CEC and FSW


Star Member
Feb 12, 2015
Job Offer........
When your EE profile met both FSW and CEC requirements, all the ITA you got are for FSW only??

Whats the difference between FSW and CEC regarding the documents list?

I intend to apply under CEC (last year got returned because of the cap), but my profile says I met both CEC and FSW, I am afraid I will get an ITA for FSW, I am not familiar with FSW program at all. Thanks for your help!


Mar 30, 2015
This happened to me too.

If you qualify for FSW go for it! To qualify you either need to have a job offer with an LMIA or provincial nomination or $12000 in the bank with proof that is has been there 3 months prior to your ITA.

if you don't qualify for that, you should apply under CEC. It will always issue an FSW ITA if you are eligible for both. You need to say that you don't have a job offer and that you have less than $11,236 (or whatever the number is) and it should make you eligible for just CEC.