WHen applying for CSQ in Quebec SHould your spouse apply too?
How does that work?
WHat's the score needed for approval? DOes your spouse get points too for their educaton etc?
How long does the process normally take?
AFter approval whats the next step?
If You have a BSN in Nursing BUt no experience will that automatically disqualify you from CSQ
WHen in the process do you try to get a job offer?
Please can someone answer these questions
How does that work?
WHat's the score needed for approval? DOes your spouse get points too for their educaton etc?
How long does the process normally take?
AFter approval whats the next step?
If You have a BSN in Nursing BUt no experience will that automatically disqualify you from CSQ
WHen in the process do you try to get a job offer?
Please can someone answer these questions