I received CBSA notes today, it says "C-Check submitted for PA" on the date that background verification in my tracker changed to in progress (Feb 20th). I suppose
it means a comprehensive security check?
one month after this date it says "additional verifications ongoing", and ten days later "verification in progress Dd pushed 30 days"
does anyone know what these phrases mean?
On the first page it says "application assignment due date ..." Does it mean they are supposed to make a decision before this date?
I received CBSA notes today, it says "C-Check submitted for PA" on the date that background verification in my tracker changed to in progress (Feb 20th). I suppose
it means a comprehensive security check?
one month after this date it says "additional verifications ongoing", and ten days later "verification in progress Dd pushed 30 days"
does anyone know what these phrases mean?
On the first page it says "application assignment due date ..." Does it mean they are supposed to make a decision before this date?