good day all, I need some advice. So I met my gf who lives in Greece over the internet quite some time ago, I'd say about 8 years and we've talked through hotmail at that time and now we've talked on WhatsApp and Facebook. So the emails from that time I only have from 2016 and nothing previous as I list my old account and had to make a new one. We have many chat logs from Facebook and emails that prove we know each other. So last year I finally got to meet her in person, she had come to canada on a scholarship for 4 months to York university. At the end of her two months stay, she had come to my house and stayed for that last two months. She has met all my family and they have met hers as well over the phone. She went back to Greece then came again to canada as a visitor for another 2 months and she stayed by me. Now I want to know if there is anyway I can get her permanent residence up here? Can she come to canada again and we get a marriage certificate and when she goes back j can sponsor her as a spouse? Can I go to Greece and marry her then come back and sponsor her? I'm unable to prove conjugal relationship because we have not been living together for 12 consecutive months because she was only able to come for a little as two months. What shall I do, what are my options and how much money would I be looking at? Thank you all for the help.