Hi, i received the following email:
"You are receiving this notice to retake the online citizenship test because we were unable to accept your
most recent test results, regardless of the score you obtained. This is due to either technical issues or
unusual activity recorded during the exam.
You now have another attempt to complete the test in person at our office. You will receive another
notice with more information on the test time and date.
We do not have a definite timeline, so please monitor your email."
I did my online test on March 19th, received the notice that i have to do the test again on march 22nd, finally got the "notice to appear" on 28th march and the test date in person was scheduled to april 22nd. I did my test and passed. It was written test, same format, there were around 22 people (some had tech difficulties, some failed and some requested to do the test in person). After the test, we all had an interview with the officer one by one. She asked basic questions like "what i do for work", "wo do i live with", "why i changed my career from this to that etc". I got my results during the interview.