Hello Everyone,
I came to canada as PR in 2019 Dec and could not get any jobs due to covid. So i went back to india in Aug 2020. I got a job in india and stayed in india until feb 2023. I had not filied any taxes in canada for the year 2021, 2022. I paid my taxes for my indian income in India as it's my country of citisenship. I came back to canada in feb 2023 to keep my PR status alive. I got a job in canada in march 2023. When i filed my taxes for 2023 in canada, my tax accountant, declared my india income for 2021 and 2022. CRA is now asking me to pay retractive tax on my indian income in 2021 and 2022. they are asking me to pay 12000 CAD. I have reached out to them and they have asked me to fill in N73,N74 forms about entering and leaving canada to determine my liable tax. During 2021,2022 I had an active bank account in canadian bank with balance of less than 5000CAD and also had an active phone connection for those 2 years even though i was outside canada.
My question is
in N73 form (determination of residency entering canada) , there is a question under section "statement of residency" "Are you considered resident in the other country and not in canada under a tax treaty with the other country" What should i answer for this question?
@steaky , @rajkamalmohanram @legalfalcon , @canuck78 : i would really appreciate your guidance
I came to canada as PR in 2019 Dec and could not get any jobs due to covid. So i went back to india in Aug 2020. I got a job in india and stayed in india until feb 2023. I had not filied any taxes in canada for the year 2021, 2022. I paid my taxes for my indian income in India as it's my country of citisenship. I came back to canada in feb 2023 to keep my PR status alive. I got a job in canada in march 2023. When i filed my taxes for 2023 in canada, my tax accountant, declared my india income for 2021 and 2022. CRA is now asking me to pay retractive tax on my indian income in 2021 and 2022. they are asking me to pay 12000 CAD. I have reached out to them and they have asked me to fill in N73,N74 forms about entering and leaving canada to determine my liable tax. During 2021,2022 I had an active bank account in canadian bank with balance of less than 5000CAD and also had an active phone connection for those 2 years even though i was outside canada.
My question is
in N73 form (determination of residency entering canada) , there is a question under section "statement of residency" "Are you considered resident in the other country and not in canada under a tax treaty with the other country" What should i answer for this question?
@steaky , @rajkamalmohanram @legalfalcon , @canuck78 : i would really appreciate your guidance