Hello everyone,
I've have been reading this forum for months as well as the Canada Immigration site trying to figure things out on my own - Not working :-X
I am really afraid to make mistakes and am sure I have not understood everything. So, if there is anyone here WITH THE PATIENCE to bear with me and willing to help I would REALLY appreciate it, especially someone who has sponsored or has been sponsored to Quebec. I KNOW the things I will be asking may sound stupid and some will refer me back to the CIC website but I really would appreciate (and would not mind at all
So here's the deal :
I am a Canadian Citizen (from Mtl, Quebec)
I have been residing in Greece for the past 7yrs and leaving back to Montreal on May 20th 2013
My boyfriend / common-law is leaving Greece as well and is going back to his homeland - Albania on May 20th 2013
What I need help with or don't understand (practically everything ??? )
- I am confused about ALL the forms
- I do not understand the procedure from Quebec...I've read that you have to send ALL the "forms" at once
- Then I have the big confusion about the Selection Certificate
- I am wondering since we are going to part SOON, and I would like to be the one SOLELY responsible (is that even possible?) for receiving and sending documents to and from CIC (his english is bad) if I need certain documents from him NOW.
- Has someone done the complete application for Quebec Sponsorship successfully and can guide me through in detail of what I must do - step by step? :'(
We have lived together in Greece for over 5yrs, unfortunately everything was under my name, I have lotsssss of photos, chats, travel tickets, emails, and mail that shows we have been together (but nothing "legal")
I don't have a job ready in Mtl but I plan to get one within a mth of my arrival - (If I understood well there is no $$ req for Quebec to sponsor a common-law spouse right?)
I really don't know where to start and am really confused regarding the forms and what to send where EVEN though I have read this forum and the CIC website for hours per day during the past months, I see everyone here has sponsored on their own without need of a lawyer and I am just wondering is it only me that is so thick-skulled that does not understand a thing?
i hope someone bored and patient is willing to bother with me and this sponsorship.
I thank you in advance -