Hmm I would say yes. I just took a look at Schedule A and how I filled it. Wow, yes, it does ask for list of memberships in one's lifetime (not just that in the past 10 years or since age of 18). I made an exhaustive list of all my memberships in a supplementary sheet that goes back as far as my membership in students' union in secondary school when I was Secondary 1 (equivalent to Grade 7 in Canada). So, yes, I would put everything to avoid any possibility of misrepresentation (in the case of not disclosing any information , however trivial or irrelevant it may sound).
I provided mine in reverse chronological order, that is from the most recent to the oldest. But sometimes for overlapping events, this may be a bit troublesome (even if I produced it in ascending order). For instance, I did a lot of things during my study (not just studying, but I was also offered TA-ships, that kind of things, and had some short trips), I put this note in the "activity" column: "See table 8.1 for other activities during the entire period of my study." Accordingly, I created a sub-table in which I listed all those activities during my study. (I think my supplementary sheet is kind of masterpiece---took me some time and efforts to produce

but compared to FSW, the required materials for QSW are just non-complicated).
Bon courage!