Shimmer down, sparky!
I provided you with some possible reasons why an application might be delayed and your response was more than infantile and highly sarcastic.
- Some cases are more complicated than others.- HAHA REALLY ?
- Some immigration workers work slower than other -Could be!, makes me even angry my tax money is going to these lazy * Another insult
- The guy assigned to your case got sick.- He probably DIED!! That's just awful
- They are requesting information from the university where you studied in {country] and it takes a long time to get this information.- i went to school in montreal. But you did your bachelor in your home country, did you not? So checking this might cause a delay. if getting info from school were an issue how on earth did i land with CSQ? Were they sleeping when they issue CSQ?
- You have a spouse and/or children- Bro i am hella single! LOL never married, divorced neither do i have secret children sooo my file is simplee ?!?!?! oh also never went to Jail...
Some other responses by you are equally awful insulting all Quebecois:
because of these incompetent Quebecois and their damn law applicants are treated worst than animal.i have been in the dark for so long..
About your own lawyer you say:
these morons are not doing anything.
Then you are lecturing others what the purpose of this threat is:
The purpose of posting here is mainly to discuss what applicants in similar situations will have or had taken action to the situations they are facing at respective stage of their application
Yes, I totally agree, and I have been doing just this. Yet, your posts are mostly whining about delays, asking the same questions over and over again, and insulting other people.
I get it. You are frustrated. You had complicated medical issues in the past. You're working in a call center (maybe / hopefully switched to a less stressfull job by now) where probably get insulted yourself all day long. You need to pass it along, sure ...
But here is the hard truth, my friend. The real reason why you do not have permanent residence by now is probably because you delayed it yourself:
I have applied under Mon project quebec and have recently received a refusal letter unfortunately. And the reason that was provided for refusal was I did not meet the job criteria.
Messing up your CSQ application was the first delay. Your CSQ application was almost thrown out, and took much longer than it should have taken.
Then after you received your CSQ, it took you more than 5 months to submit your application for PR. Have you had submitted your application a few months earlier, even three months earlier, you would have been among the applicants that were still on the fast track during the end of 2018 and you probably would also be "having fun with the paper in hand".
And I believe i am within my limit to express frustrations towards this bias CAQ government. PEACE
Yes you are, in a respectful manner. But despite of what you say the purpose of the forum is, you constantly agitate rant and spill anxiety and insults for everyone here. You only started posting here in May, and you already have more than 100 posts.
You really need to find a way to vent your aggression elsewhere.