Dear adeboyeadejobi and all my other friends
I received my PPR email the golden email as we all love to call it on April 1st. Finally after a wait of more than 7 years my journey for PR comes to a positive conclusion.

I want to sincerely thank all those who have supported me in this journey. The support at times has come through information while at times through moral support, tremendous moral support. There have been occasions in my journey wherein I had almost taken a decision to withdraw my application however the support from the members on this forum has stopped me from taking that decision.
My request to you all is have patience. The CSQ process can literally be tormenting at times but with patience and support from the members on this forum each one can and will sail through successfully.
I could not come back to the forum as I got busy in some immediate things like passport submission and all. Plus my family and I had to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. The atmosphere in the house for the last three days was more like Diwali, Christmas, Eid or any other happy festival you celebrate in your country.
Once again friends, thank you so much for all the help. I will be here and happy to help anyone who has any specific questions. God Bless you all.
Rahul (My real name)