Thank you very much, Razaqng, I thing that I was lucky enough, didn't have to wait too much for the interview, only 9 months.
The interview wasn't difficult at all, me and my husband we were anxious at the beggining, but that is very normal, is ok, the officer understands the human nature. ;D
He was kind and polite, he was speeking slowly an pronouncing well (for make sure that you understand), we have spoken a lot about our papers, not only one personal question ( for ex. "what is your motivation for immigrate?"), nothing like this, he asked me few times if I have only one child, but never the age of our child

, we are phisiotherapists both of us, he wanted to check up our diplomas and the anexes of diploma from university, he asked to see a copy of my cotisations and the last three months of sallary paid papers, I had a french test TCFQ for my french level (intermediar level) it was ok, for my enghish level I didn't have an official test, so he put me one question in english gest to see the level, it was ok too, he didn't even let me finish, we had also to clarifiy some details about our names ( in romanian with "C", in greek with "K"), ANYWHAY was all ok, about an hour the interview, we didn't spoke a lot, gest question-answer and after he wrote a lot at computer, with my husband was not interesed to speek in english ( my husband don't speeks french), gest a few simple questions in french to see if he undertands a little bit (no, but was also ok0, and in the end he told me "madame, vous seule avez deja le pointage pour passer, vouz n'avez pas besoin des points de votre mari, felicitations, vous etes passes!!!"), thing who bothered a little my husband

, but only a little.
At the end my personal opinion about the interview : once they call you there they want to help, not to trouble you. Assure yourselfs that you didn't write any lie in the papers, and speek clear and gest answer the questions they make, without too much bla-bla.
Good luck to everyone and be cool!