Bonjour tout le monde!!
Hopefully, all of you are doing well, and keeping your spirits up while we wait for our destiny!
Dear Rafiq/Rasein, Ekim8587, and Prabhu1977: CONGRATULATIONS!!!

You should feel happy and proud to have this big step! Best of luck on the interviews! My friend said that some of the questions that he was asked during the interview (en français, bien sûr) were:
- "Why did you want to come to live in Québec?"
- "Why did you choose to leave your country?"
- "What are you going to be doing after you immigrate to Québec?"
- "After immigrating to Canada, to which country will you feel most loyal... your home country, or your adopted country of Canada?"
Also, he said that the Province of Québec truly feels itself to be a nation, so make sure to focus on Québec province, and only a little bit on Canada. (By the way, he received his Permanent Resident Visa in July 2010! In case any of you are curious, he's an MD in Radiology, originally from Egypt.) Again, best wishes!
Dear Brrandon: Congratulations on your AOR!!! It's a big step and accomplishment to get this far!

Regarding the name issue, in my opinion, DEFINITELY make sure that your file is spelled absolutely correctly! This advice applies to all of you, especially those of you coming from countries using scripts/alphabets of Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, etc. (i.e. NOT Roman alphabet) where your names might not be transliterated/translated in a completely standardized way. (for example: Muhammad/Mohamed/Mohammed/Mohammad/Mohamet, Huang/Wong, etc.) The most important is that YOU come up with a standardized version of your name, and YOU use it consistently, and YOU make sure that it's spelled correctly on ALL of your documentation, so that all of the documentation matches. I work in healthcare, and we often have patients that have five or six different spellings of their name in one file, which can potentially have disastrous consequences. One thing to consider... in the future, you could face an obstacle regarding questions of fraud, etc., i.e. "If you knew your name was spelled incorrectly, then WHY wouldn't you have it corrected? What kind of motive is going on here?" (Maybe I've lived in Chicago waaaaayyyy too long, and am very cynical... haha) That's just my unsolicited advice... Congratulations, though; it's a huge accomplishment!!
Dear Wallflowr22: I wish you best of luck!

It sounds like you're in a good position, seeing as you're already there in Québec. It's tricky, but very exciting!
Dear Brebu: Applying as soon as possible is probably best, but be very careful with the new language requirements. I think there's a new protocol as of January 2012.
Dear Vibez-Well: I love your chart!
Dear ShootingStar: I really love your posts, your optimism, and your information! I wish you best of luck!

By the way, being a bit neurotic, I wanted to make sure my application was as complete as possible, including language certification, and I had to wait about seven months for the TEFaQ! Yikes.
Thank You for your kind words. you made my day 
Dear Abir/IWCI: I think there are several factors of yours that are potentially good: you're well educated, you have three years work experience, you and your wife are young, your English is at an advanced level, and your child is young (i.e. he or she is still young enough to become completely francophone by adulthood). Do you have any friends or relatives in Canada, or especially Québec? My advice is to continue careful study of the immigration process and rules, and assess your points on the Immigration Québec website.
Okay everyone, take care and best wishes, and hopefully we all meet in Québec! À votre santé!!
