phew!!!, and it landed gently in my inbox, what can this b from Accra Again

. is it one of their usually general non specific responseS :-\?
but atlast i was wrong..... ;D
oh my God

..... its my long awaited
i had thought i would not rejoice if i eventually get my MR bcos i had expected it FOR SO LONG THAT I GAVE UP. BUT I WAS SUPRISED WHEN I SAW MYSELF JUMPING $ SHOUTING FOR JOY ;D
learning point.
i ordered my CAIPs note 10days ago 2ru 2ru a third-party to CHC Hqtrs in Ottawa that my file details been made known to me 2ru their Hqtrs cos i believe my file is being overdelayed. and just 2days ago i was told my request had gotten to accra and in just 2days i was restored even though i am yet to get the Caips note. the logic is this if the Caips( computer printout) is issued and it was discovered that my file was abandoned Heads may roll at the office. hence i guess that is d reason for this good news. so when i the CAips is finally issued, it ll b reflected that my case is almost finalized. so the learning point is that i ought to have asked for my CAIPs long b4 now just for a fee of $40. so if ur file is getting too lon in the federal stage, just do one thing....... order ur CAIPs Note
thank you all for ur concern during this long wait that seems like eternity.....