Re: Apply?
Tooofiq said:
Thank you Marylatt for your response.
It says I meet the criteria.
Please advise me...
Does it really matter if you get more points, or it is only important to qualify? I mean can I get a visa (PR) with 50 points(which it is).
Would it be better to wait my experience to be more than a year, or should I start the application process already?
If I get a rejection, would I be able to apply again?
Does the previous rejection affect your future application?
What is the average time of total processing?
Your response is highly appreciated.
From what I understand, the more points you have, the more likely it is that you won't need an interview - which is what everybody wants, to have the CSQ sent in the mail without needing an interview!

In order to NOT have the interview though, you need at least 55 points if you're a single applicant, PLUS it depends on the situation (you could have 55 points but if they need you to clarify something, they'll still ask for an interview). It really depends on whether you want to wait; the thing is, immigration rules change, so if you wait a year, and they make the rules stricter, then you might not longer qualify.
In my opinion, if you have more than 49 points, you might as well apply, and then prepare yourself for the interview. That's what I'm doing anyway - I think I have 55 points, but I think I will most likely have an interview because I've applied before and been denied. :
If you get a rejection simply because you don't have enough points, I think there's no problem in reapplying. The only issue would be if you had lied to them before, or had a criminal record. I've applied before under H&C (not Quebec category) and been denied, and I hope there's no effect on my application now, because I was not denied due to inadmissability. I guess I'll find out, but from what I heard, and from what my previous lawyer told me, (though she was a conniving compulsive liar) there's no problem. ???
As far as processing times, that depends on your visa office. Here's an estimate
Of course, after you get your CSQ, then you have to wait for Federal to issue you a visa, and that has its own timeline: