I suggest everyone to stop discussing new rules,, because everyone of us has dreams and looking for better/nice life.
we all have same feeling and same dreams to share.
I am sure that the staff at BIQ or Montreal who are picking the calls are helpdesk or call center

they dont know about the rules.
I am also sure they arent able you understand your english ;D
New rules will not be applied on new applicants, because when I done my interview and I oct 2010 applicant//b4 dec 2011 (new rules)
I didnt submit english,,, but I took TEFAQ, the officer asked me do you have english test, i answered it wasnt required.
some ppl were asked to take language test, propably their file was weak and needs points, so office gave them another chance
we cant say they won't to cancel 25000 files of xxxxx of files, because federal are introducing new rules, EOI system while quebec refused to be involved into this system, quebec will keep taking 50,000 immigrants.
Asians are the smartest ppl now and hard worker much better than westerns

so they will not cancel any application.
but work on french because its french city, you need to be fluent, you can study free courses in quebec but it will take 6 -12 month learning, if you can afford expenses and house rents b4 you get a job