Government of MONTREAL
The same conditions as with the government of Quebec applies. the only difference is that, the exam is much more tougher here. suprisingly, they pay higher than the big father (Quebec)

and the recruitement process is much more faster due to better application management since they use online application process unlike the paper based process still being used by Quebec. Job postings with the government of Montreal can b found at
Due to the law in Quebec, all job will always ask for Bilingual( FREnch-ENGLISH) but in most cases, the employer need just english speakers but the law compels them to advertise jobs as bilingual or French only.. for instance in my new job, i work only in English even though i am confortable working in both now!!! but the job posting was written in french and the requested for excellent language skills in French-English
to b frank with you, some pple do quit Quebec but then nobody knows what will bcom of them when they want to bcom citizen. but as for me, i decided to stay and undertake all that needed b done to improve my chances in the quebecoise society.
The government of quebec might not be perfect, but then they r really trying with immigrants with the level of support and so on. just that immigrants dont dig out this informations and they just take decision to quit. it wasent easy for me as well cos i had to do different kind of jobs ad still attending french classes evryday. It was not easy at all, but when the going gets tough, only the tough get going... i could av call it quit but with God on my side and my determination i worked at it. and after obtaing my credential evaluation and professional permit, i found out that i am now qualified to get a letter from the government and the letter simply states: the person whose name appears above is qualified for salary grant with emploi-quebec. and wat that simply means is that, the government will assist any company that hires me in paying half of my salary, my employer will only pay half. there-by reducing the salary burden on employers. i was told to attach this letter to every job application i make and that contributed in no small measure to my securing my good job. i am sharing this so that those who truly plan to stay in Quebec can know he cost of that decision and begin the process of their integration even long b4 their arrival and also to those who av landed and are not aware about some of these things, hey!!!! wake-up , there are several things going on!!!!!!
i hang it here for now!!