hi to all seniors,
One of the friend as calculated points and said 62.I am not sure is this correct or not.
Age: 32yrs----------------------------------------------------------------------16
Education: B.E(CIVIL) in India & M.B.A (Human Resources) from London--------------------------- 12
AOT: no idea-------------------------------------------------------12
Work experience: 1yr site engineer + 3yrs Project Manager = 4yrs still in same company------------08
English Proficiency: IELTS is expired but i have letter from university in Hyderabad.-----------------00
French Proficiency (what level did they rated you) - I am in basic level----------------------------00
Spouse Age: 41yrs-----------------------01
Spouse Edu-----------------------------------------------------------------02
Spouse Edu/AOT: ITI trade certificate as fitter------------------------------ 02
Spouse work experience

resently he is doing export & Imports-----------------------------------00
Spouse French Proficiency-------------------------------------------------00
Stay in quebec: nil------------------------------------------------------00
Family in Quebec:nil--------------------------------------------------------00
Job offer in quebec:nil--------------------------------------------
Points for kids: 2 kids 3yrs & 1yr.--------------------------------------------- 08
Financial self-sufficiency: yes ------------------------------------------------01
Total points awarded:62
Up to an additional 6 points may be awarded upon the interview for Adaptability. With these points awarded, a single applicant must score a minimum of 55 points. An applicant with a spouse or common-law/conjugal partner must score at least 63 points.
Today I wrote DELF A1 but I am worried about results. definitively i will pass minimum points, but I am doubt according CSQ points whether I will be eligible or not. In the next month I wiil write IELTS. Is it compulsory to applied after clearing A2 and also my spouse need to appear for A1(but little difficult for him to write) any advice please what to do?