Dear Friends I need your advice on my understanding regarding points for AOT, work exp and education.
I have downloaded a file from the following link:
I have some queries on this, requesting you all friends to help me...
1. points given in this pdf are for AOT or for Education?
As per this, My Masters of Science(Chemistry) Degree will earn me 13 points, is this correct?
Also, since chemistry is in priority areas, will I get priority treatment for my file processing?

and how many points will be given to my wife's degree of Bachelors of Commerce (Accounting Major Subject)? 2 pts or 3 pts?
2. If this are given for AOT, then does an applicant/dependant need to have related work exp in last 5 years?
if I am not having the related work exp, then how much points they can give to me for AOT?
3. My wife holds work exp in Accounts dept for 2 and half years(total work exp of 3 years) and it is related to her Bachelors of Commerce degree. So how many points she will get for AOT, Work experience and education?
Pls advice.